Emerges out of the light
and merges within the dark.
Though it's size changes with time
but it always remain with us.

Down to earth goes beyond the boundaries
But never crosses the sky limit.
From moulding us beyond imagination to
following our own footsteps.

It's the shadow of our own belief,
Which shapes the dimensions of 
our thinking.

Is it always two different voices 
that command our minds or
there's a third one inside us 
that rules the ultimate?

Be it a shadow good will or evil,
the one which stands out
are meant for a reason
and knowingly selected by nature.

But light can still escape through  
the dark times and put away
the hollowness of gripping hands 
from shielding us into a vaccum.

Perpetuating an odd world where
it gains a definition of normalcy,
where normal is different for 
everyone yet unique in its own. 

-Satarupa Upadhyay

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